
How we create most powerful moodboards

What is a mood board, what role does it play in event design project and how it can affect on the client’s choice? Let’s find out!

Mood board is an inevitable part of every wedding design project and the most effective instrument to express your design ideas.

Well composed mood board reflect the atmosphere of the coming event and give the feeling that clients want to have from the wedding. This exact feeling causes their decision to work with you.

Let’s discover:
  • why do you need a mood board
  • how you can show the atmosphere of a wedding
  • how to create a mood board. Tips & tricks

Why do you need a mood board

A mood board (or inspiration board) is a digital collage of ideas, visual presentation of a design project. It can include just about anything — photography, designs or illustrations, color palettes, textures. It’s a great tool for illustrating your idea. 

It often happens that the clients clearly understand what they want, but can’t describe it because they don’t know name of styles, colors, and ornaments.  
Your goal is to understand your clients and visualize their desires. The easiest way to do so is to create a mood board.

A good mood board solves several tasks at a time:
  • it helps to communicate better inside your own team
  • it expresses the idea and mood that clients are going to have at their events  in a harmonic way, 
  • it helps to pick up decorative elements during the realization

How to show the atmosphere

Here are 3 main rules that will help to make an effective mood board and share your concept with the client:

1. One element - one photo
Two pictures of bouquets or three flower arches won’t help the client to make a decision, more likely just confuse him/her. As an event designer, you should understand which one of the possible photos will reflect your idea the best. Choose only one picture for each element.

2. Mind the light 
One of the most common problems between the event designers is that the time of day of the mood board and real event are totally different. If you show the mood board of the wedding dinner, forget about the photos of beautiful glasses with sparkles of the rising sun. The light affects the atmosphere in a very strong way.

3. Time of the year and features of venues
Even if you have really big budget, it’s very difficult to make a juicy tropical wedding in a monumental classical restaurant, as well as summer garden theme in a tent during the winter. Always think about your venue and take it into account while developing your project.

How to create a mood board. Tips & tricks

  • Name of mood board
A lot of people work with verbal information only, that’s why it’s important to come up with the name of your mood board. It will help to understand the concept you put in the core. The name should be simple and short, reflect the main point of your project.

  • Color palette
Accept the fact that the description of your clients may vary from yours. That’s why it’s necessary to approve the color palette as soon as possible. Don’t try to convince your bride that her “coral” color is actually “peach-orange”. Instead of that, make sure that this “coral” color will be in the color palette of the mood board. 

  • Photos
Use photos of different size and perspective, so the clients could read your mood board as a fascinating story. Show them big and small elements, use photos to show the general view and to accentuate details. The best amount is 5-10 images. It should be interesting for the client to look at the mood board.

  • Additional images
Don’t forget about textures, mood pictures. They may not have a strong connection with the wedding design, but they can support and emphasize the whole atmosphere.

  • Harmony
Don’t ignore it. The pictures in your mood board should look harmonic together concerning color, theme, and mood. Your idea will fall apart if you try to combine cold winter mood board with pictures of sunny beach.

  • Company style
Choose several options for layout and use it for your projects. It could be horizontal, vertical or even chaotic. The main thing is that it should be nice looking and clear. Don’t forget about your logo!

Using these simple rules will help you to create stylish and unique templates and be on the same page with the client. So go ahead and try to make your own mood board right now!